The cost of a mis-hire is 6 to 15 times a person’s salary.

This includes: recruitment fees, compensation, opportunity cost, disruption cost, severance, maintenance, etc.


Here are 3 keys to better hiring:


  1. Be Thorough!

This is the secret to winning in hiring!  For each of their past positions, ask:

  • What were you held accountable for?
  • What were your key successes and accomplishments?  And how did you achieve them?
  • What were your failures or mistakes?  (Does your candidate learn from mistakes or do failures repeat themselves in many jobs?)
  • What will your boss say in a reference call, about your strengths, weaker points and overall performance?

Spend most of the time on the more recent jobs.  Look for emerging patterns.



  1. Do the interview/ask these questions with someone else on your team.

This second opinion is very valuable!



  1.  Ask the candidate to set up reference checks with former managers/bosses.

‘A players’ (the best people on the market) can’t wait to have you hear what their bosses say.

‘C players’ can’t seem to get their former bosses on the phone…


For a Nurse Practitioners/NP or Phsyician Assistants/PA the cost of a mis-hire is around $837,495.21..  Can you afford a mis-hire?




This information is mostly taken from Brad Smart,

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