man waking up

The way that you start your day can greatly impact your mental ability to handle stress and stay productive throughout the day. Read about these 5 morning rituals that successful people practice before they leave for work. You will be amazed how much more equipped you feel to take on daily work pressures after you develop these new habits.

  1. Wake Up Early – Don’t wake up 30 minutes before you have to be in the office and don’t hit the snooze button, it will make you less alert and productive later in the day. Make it a priority to go to sleep early in order to get at least 7 hours of sleep. Download the Capsule FM app, this alarm gently wakes you up by telling you the daily weather, news and by playing your favorite songs.
  2. Exercise – Entrepreneur Magazine recommends just 7 minutes of exercise in the mornings. Seven minutes is short enough that it won’t throw off your morning routine but long enough to get your heart pumping and mind ticking. Download the 7 Minute Workout app, it works all major muscle groups in just seven minutes.
  3. Eat The Right Breakfast at the Right Time – It’s important to eat a healthy breakfast within 1 hour of waking. Consuming a healthy breakfast soon after waking will help to stabilize your blood sugar levels and give you the energy needed to take on the day. Green smoothies or plain Greek yogurt with fruit are a great quick option.
  4. Take Time to Reflect – Before the demands of the day consume you, take a few minutes to reflect in prayer with some uplifting music and a cup of coffee. You will be amazed how much those few minutes will elevate your mood and help you feel ready to seize the day.
  5. Limit Unnecessary Time Consuming Decisions – Just like Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg wears the same clothes everyday. Stress is primarily caused by having an overwhelming amount of decisions to make everyday. Cut down on stress by wearing the same color shirt every day. If that’s not possible, choose outfits for the week on Sunday night.

*Photo taken from

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